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I'm on an FPS kick: Call of Duty 3

I beat CoD 2 early last week and set up a new account with Gamefly, mainly because I was tired of being subject to JUST reviews. While I'm totally fine doing reviews for games I might not otherwise choose (since a lot of the games I do choose just don't work out for review copies), I realized there were quite a few I'd probably never play if I just waited for reviews. Since I can't afford to buy too many games, gamefly won out. (Though I did buy the Halo 3 limited edition from Best's $40, a full $20 cheaper than the regular version. Go fig).

Anyway, the first game I got from Gamefly is CoD 3, which in some ways is so much better than 2, and in some other key ways is not as good. Actually, it's pretty much just one way; friendly and enemy AI. Sometimes they can both be fairly good, but most of the time, they have little sense. I cannot tell you how many times I'd be crouching and firing regularly and some friendly would walk in front of my line of fire and get a bullet up his ass. Brillant. :P What's worse, and considerably more frequent, is all of the friendlies walking into a building at the same time, thus jamming the doorway. :P

It also has some weird physics quirks, like shooting a Nazi sometimes causes them to roll strangely as if they were shot in zero G. Other times when I'm getting shot and trying to duck, it will push me back from my cover before I notice it, leaving me dead before I can move forward again.

The other thing that was actually in both games is debree. Apparently trained soldiers aren't physically able to walk over pieces of wood, wire, or tires. Instead when backing up and firing, you may get stuck on said piece of wood and be unable to avoid it before you die. Why in this age of gaming, devs haven't figured out how to get players to step over small objects, I don't know.:P