Read this BBCNews article first.
I'm glad someone high up realizes we don't just want pink games. I think what he failed to address is to make games that are typically aimed at male audiences more accessable to female. For example, including a strong female character in the cast somewhere, preferably playable. Or in games where the character is pretty much a blank slate, include two version of the character, female and male. FInally, just more female protagonists in general. A significant amount of games that come out feature a male protagonist, and many could easily be done with a female in the place. The biggest problem is, in games like Doom and Dead Rising could easily have a female version without too much difference in the story or game.
Games like the Sims win out because male and female characters are on an even playing level, it's also the same reason why MMO's are more diverse, the characters are on equal playing ground. I don't know whether the social part really has merits. We're reputed to be the more social of the two genders, but honestly I find that broad statement to restrictive and just as harmful as "girls don't play video games".
Many of the games that do feature a female protagonist show an unrealistic and unrelatable person. More often than not, the character is made for the base satisfaction of the male audience than the inclusion of the female.
Once game companies stop treating us like some odd and unknown entity and start putting out quality games that give equality in design and characterization of the genders. Like, howabout more practical clothing/armor for women?
I don't know about anyone else, but I am sooooo not going into battle with a metal bikini and high heels. Oh, and seriously, the rescue the princess routine, it really needs to stop.