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Silent Hill: Homecoming
Dead Space
Dante's Inferno
Bayonetta (United Kingdom)
Devil May Cry only aimed at idiot teenage boys. Oh wait...
I found little I liked about this game all round, so I'll keep this one short... Oh hell, I'll rant for a while, why not? Bayonetta is an attempt to make the ultimate male fantasy game, clearly. The entire game is ba... Read Full Review
5 of 24 users found the following review helpfulSilent Hill: Homecoming
A good game on its own, but not what we've come to expect from the genre-defining series. The Japanese did it better.
Silent Hill is my bloody favorite series ever. So I'm a harsh critic when it comes down to it. Much like the Resident Evil series, it is sadly lilting from it's brilliant, horrifying survival horror roots and steadily be... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulDead Space
Survival horror back to basics, more survival, more horror.
As a deep admirer of the survival horror genre, it was good to play Dead Space. With the greats of the series (Resident Evil, Silent Hill) having turned into action games with very little aspect of survival, Dead Space r... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulSaw
Better than your average movie tie in, and different, but nothing magnificent.
As a lover of anything gory, violent and generally gruesome, I like the Saw movies. Although they've turned into predictable junk in after the first two, they had a nice premise and great scenes. As usual I avoid movie t... Read Full Review
0 of 1 users found the following review helpfulDante's Inferno: Shinkyoku Jigoku-Hen
Big, dumb, and very fun. Just like God of War, as everyone knows, but a worthy distraction.
I was eager for this game right when I first heard about it. I'm a huge fan of God of War, and anything similar to add to my collection is always welcome. Some may find the games similarities to GoW a little too much (IE... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpful
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