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I am teh lame...

So about 7 months ago, I had decided I was done with gaming. I had spent well more on it than my other "true" passion wish is Music. I hadn't really invested my time in much else outside of some volunteer musical events that I won't bother going into detail about right now. So...months later...I'm doing pretty good. I had just fitted the thought into my head that I woulnd't get back into it...and promised myself (I have to laugh at this now) that I would never buy another video game console...ever.

So, that's all down the toilet now as I prepare to buy my Xbox 360 (hopefully this weekend). Not only will I buy my 360, I've already purchased a game for it. A game...that I might add, I said I would probably never play. So what the hell is wrong with me?! Yesterday I had the hard realization that I wished I hadn't sold my old consoles and games. Sure I didn't play them much after a while...and at that time, an emergency had come up and I needed the cash. (my lack of saving money hit me hard...and I had to reliquish my consoles and all my games)

I was very tempted to go an get a Gamecube again...and just go back and get the few games that were important to me. But then I also could say the same thing of the Xbox and PS2. So I decided to reason with myself. I will not go back and try to reclaim my former gaming glory. It's just too much of a hassle, and it would cost much more than I would be willing to invest right now. Besides...I don't game quite as much as I did before. It's just a shame that I missed out on a good handful of titles that I was so close to playing.

So anyway, what I've decided to do is just go forward as far as consoles are concerned. I will get a Wii and I will get a PS3. With the backwards compatability on all three current consoles, I'll be able to at least play the major titles from the last 8 years or so. There are a ton of PS2 games I'm sure I'd enjoy. The bargain bin is my friend ;)

And my Gamecube games can find a home in the well as the VC games...which I will try to stay away from :P could have saved myself a lot of trouble by 1, saving money for emergencies and 2, keeping track of my bank account on those months when I know things will be tight. I could have still had all my old games...but...such is the way of things :)