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Looking ahead...

So I've spent my very first week on Xbox Live mostly playing Halo 3 and a few games of TMNT arcade. So far so good :) I'm really enjoying all that comes with the service and it's by far (the 360) the best purchase I've made this fall. Now that I have the ability to keep up with the gaming scene and not feel left behind like I did a few years ago, my gaming possibilities have opened up quite a bit. My only new problem is finding the time to play all these wonderful games ;)

I find myself purchasing them and then feeling bad that I don't play them as often as I feel I should to "justify" the purchase. But I suppose that any time I spend really doesn't have to be judged. So long as I continue to enjoy these games and playing online then I suppose those silly worries will just be getting in the way ;)

So speaking of things to look forward to. Today I received this image file at work. :D This collection is looking pretty good. I'm especially excited for the Penny Arcade boolket that's included! I know that some of my friends and co-workers are tired of "lame collections" that have just...bonus DVDs and crap premiums, especially if they're requiring you to cough up an extra $10-$20. But this one at least seems like it has some value inside of the box as opposed to just a shiny cover. What do you guys think? Are these Limited and Collector's editions really worth it? I for one am looking forward to this game and this Limited Edition :)