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Rachel's Boobs frighten me...

So...I've had my PS3 for about a week now. And I can honestly say I'm pretty pleased with it :) Sure I bought it used...and it's a 20GB version. But I was never really bothered with that system to begin with. I have all my stuff hooked into my router in my room...and for now I've been able to link it to my PC and use other devices to dance around the fact that it doesn't have memory card slots. No biggie.

And I'm loving Ninja Gaiden Sigma! I've not had this much fun with an action game since God of War. But...I do have 3 problems with the game. Yes yes...things that can almost alter the gaming experience...for me anyway.

First thing to note cerain areas..the camera is absolutely FRUSTRATING! It's almost as bad as those certain "sweet spots" in Tomb Raider Anniversary where it just fought with you to gain control. But I suppose I can't say I've played a single game that had perfect camera control just yet. But seriously...this thing that camera has been the cause of my death more than once...and it always amazes me when it decides to face away from the enemy, especially in those tight corners, and get me killed. It's a conspiracy! :P

My second problem with the game I'm currently playing is...I've unwhittingly been playing it on easy mode and didn't realize it until last night. *sigh* I was wondering why the game seemed so easy for the most part. What happend was that the first night I had the game, I went over to a buddy's house and we were playing it....died several times and it obviously unlocked the easy mode. Well..I had started a second game later on...but didn't want to keep hat other one. So I delted it...or so I thought. (the two games were saved at the same area..I just either didn't bother to look at the save time and date or didn't notice)

So yesterday while it was saving my progress..(about halfway through the game already) I noticed it said Difficulty: Ninja Dog. I was like... :shock: So...I've started a new game and made sure not to die in the begining :P So now...yeah...I feel like I will not get the true NGS experience until I get my ass handed to me in Normal difficulty ;)

But that's nothing that couldn't be handled like an adult. This next point ridiculous.

So there's this girl...she's kinda' cute..kinda' creepy. She walks around (or runs) looking like she just left a Dominatrix Fetish club and wants to enjoy a night on the town with her FRIGGIN' HUGE BATTLE HAMMER! Wow..the sheer force it must take to weild this weapon is...yeah...crazy crazy! Oh but boys and girls...the only thing in this game that's larger and almost more ridiculous than that are her boobs. :shock: OMG...what the hell. I don't mind (I've gotten used to it...and I'm a guy...I won't be the first to admit...guys love boobs. it's a law of nature) the size necessarily...I've gotten accustomed to TECMO's design of the female form. And Rachel does indeed have the lumps of her DOA sisters...but dear lord...those things just move on their own! It's freaky!

When I'm playing as her...all I have to do is just make a 180 turn...and they move for like...10 seconds it seems. I've not timed it. Maybe I should :) She also walks like she's got a sack of potatoes in between her knees. She looks like a footballer huffin' it down the street with a giant hammer on her back. So what's the deal with her TECMO? You could make Ryu all bad ass...and then have this blonde bombshell feel like she just fell out of the Playboy mold and didn't have enough time to cook :P

I think the funniest thing I've seen so when she gets knocked out and carried off midway thorugh the game. She falls unconcious...and I swear to god...her boobs jiggle for like 30 minutes :P nah..not that long. But they sat there and quivered in fear for a good while.

Crazy. Anyway...yeah...Camera and Rachel's boobs/running are two things that take the NGS experiene to a whole other level of odd. ;) But it's a great game otherwise. And now if you'll excuse me...I'm going to time the jiggling... O_o