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Bring back TVTome

I just want to say I am very unhappy with and CNet's handling of there TAKE OVER of TVTome. They have done it again, they have purchased a great independent site with a large community and then completely destroyed it by trying to commercialize it. I want TVTome brought back as it was. Let them co-exist, and I bet TVTome will end up being the most used site. If they don't want to bring it back, then release the software used by it as OpenSource and let someone else run a similar size under a different name. If the software is already OpenSource let us know what it is and where to get it. I know I am not alone in this, I do not know why if enough people intelligently talk about this should listen, do what is requested or at the least simplify there site, make it easier to use, make it faster to get around, and make it informative of useful TV show information and news. We can only try!