I only play mature rated games for harcore gamers such as myself
by CrimsonDataFlow on Comments
It is ok that a 14 years old kid is playing a shooting game over the internet? My OPINION is NO. Kids today, play in warfare simulators like Team Fortress, Left for Dead, F.E.A.R., Halo and many other mature rated titles. Do you know why? Yes, because they feel those games make them cool. In short, they just want to feel adult, which they are not yet. Are your kids playing a mature game? You should do something serious if that is the case. But, the best key you have to deal with this is prevention: don't let your son buy and play these games. They are not a laughing matter. They will produce cancer on your sons brain. Only you decide if your son will end being a fat neckbeard or not. Don't choose poorly.
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