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Crimson_Sin Blog

Girl K

So I'm sure not many of you know about my girl situation (aside from maybe Cougar and DD), but here's the update. I gave my friend Tyler her E-mail account and he's decided to delve into my personal life, here's his most recent e-mail message.

soooo....well ive been talkin to girl k...shes cool, and really yea...oh and dude shes just like you she was sayin that she liked you, and you guys went on a nature hike or something and she got dared to kiss you and she wanted to but didnt know if you would want to or not, and she said she would definetly date you if you asked her. it.

A bit much drama for my taste, but it's added a slight bit of excitement to my life, a bit of mystery you could say. I did overhear them during our hike, but Tyler's a bit over-eccentric about the idea. I told him I'm still not comfortable around her and that I've promised I'll ask her out after the summer (cause I'll be gone all summer for BMQ)

That's my update for anyone interested, any comments would be welcome :)


Got me a tagger badge :|. I Didn't even expect it, I don't tag that often, but it's good to get a badge when I only have three :D.

On a side note, I had a regatta this weekend and won a race. Lost the other two but that's expected when we're in junior A category and two of us were junior B. I've also got another regatta at Maple Bay next weekend. :)

Got my License 8)

Went in to get my driver's license today. I got it 8)

I have to get 40 out of 50 and I was at 37 right and 7 wrong. I got three wrong in a row, got the next two right and was on the last question. It was a ridiculous question but I went on impulse and got it right. I'm teh happiness :)

Monday: A Bad Day in History

So my day was going pretty great tody, right up until I got to rowing.

I had gone out in a quad with Will, Kenny, and Tobias, and we were doing pretty well. We're in a lagoon first of all and we usually row up to this inlet so we can get some good 2k peices in. We went up to the inlet, did two pyramids for a warm-up before we did race scenarios. But on the way back from the second pyramid, whenm we got to the inlet, I stopped to wipe some sweat from my brow while we were rowing. Now the usual way to do this is to wipe your head onto your shoulder, so as to not disturb your rowing. As I did so, the rubber grip on the oar stuck on to my glasses and tossed them into the water.

Man I was pissed. Bret told me I could go swimming for them in tomorrows practice, but I wanted to go for them now. So we went back to the dock and Will, Kenny, and Tobias, being awesome guys, decided to come help me find them. We were in the ocean first of all so it was freezing, and the only thing we had to look into the water was some plastic sheets Brett had cut out for us. Thank god they fell in some shallows though. So we were looking in the water, which was so muddy we couldn't really see anything, and up to our shoulders in water, freezing, and a girl's quad is right up next to us, laughing.

It turned out to be quite the adventure however, and we had some fun dong it. We never found them though and they do cost $500. We've decided that we'll search for them tomorrow and I'm going to bring some goggles and we'll get some wet suits and search all next practice, at least it'll be fun I guess.

So basically I'm having a hard time reading what I'm typing right now, so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, and I'm going to go out searching for my glasses tomorrow. Wish me luck ^_^

Miniature Blog :P

So here I am, bored on a Saturday morning, so I may as well have a crack at it.

Yeterday was great, DanC had a fantastic party (congrats Dan). I got to host it until 1500 which was pretty great. Rc kind of went dead though and I haven't seen dd because he keeps leaving as soon as I get here :evil:. I also had my suit stolen yesterday. (kolobus, give it back)

And for those of you who's time was occupied by this blog for about 10 seconds, here's a riddle for ya

Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?