Hey guys. If you don't already know me, my name is Brian. I've been writing short pieces of music for the past year. You could find some of my songs on newgrounds.com. I also make videos on YouTube with my friends. My most recent one is a project for a friend of mine. It's based on the book Unto The Breach. We just acted out a few shooting and war scenes. Check it out and leave a comment and let me know what you think.Unto The Breach
I also just recently got Pokemon Soul Silver. It brings me back to the good old days when I had the original Silver version. I also just recently beat No More Heroes 2 and PunchOut for the Wii. Both games were excellent, so if you're looking for a good Wii game, I suggest either of those.
That's about all. I'll keep you all posted when I come out with another song or video.
See ya when I see ya.
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