Well, as you might have read on the topic name I played the Wii yesterday on a friend's house. He is a big Nintendo hardcore gamer and he invited me and my cousin to come over to his house and play some Wii. Just to point out, i'm not a one system hardcore gamer and I don't hate Nintendo. I play more Xbox 360 but I have nothing againts Nintendo, hehe. This is just for future reference. :D
We started playing, well actually watching how he played Zelda: Twilight Princess and how he defeated the last boss with no problem. He made it look easy and we watched amazed the last part of the game where... Oo I don't want to spoil it, hehehe. We watched the credits amazed and then he showed us some basic stuff on the game. I didn't like Zelda that much as I saw it but in the end it is ZELDA so I guess just by having the name it makes it a must. Graphics are good, the story is a little confusing, sound on the Wii controller is not as good and it made me think that having a regular nintendo controller would be better to play with. Anyways if I ever get a Wii I will definetly buy it.
Then we moved on to Wii Sports and I had a wonderful time playing it. This game is the perfect way to show the Wii controller and I think it has the best uses. First we played some tennis (my personal favorite) and I pwned my buddies, lol. I laughed a lot while playing and I realized how tired I was after playing an hour. We also had a very good time while making our Mii's and doing all sorts of wierd face combinations. Tennis was easy, you have to do the same movement as if you where playing tennis. The Mii runs to the ball so you don't have to worry about it. It sometimes got a little sketchy and made the ball go out of the court or hitting the ball in the wrong direction but it is really fun. Then we played some bowling. It was not as fun because after you play 10 minutes you start getting strikes on every shot. To throw the ball you just aim the controller up and hold "B" and simulate the movement of you throwing the ball. "B" works as your fingers and you have to release them in the perfect time so you get a better shot. We didn't play much because matches are a little long and we wanted to check out the other games. We played some golf but just about 3 holes cause we got bored. Golf was hard because sometimes you put way more power on the shot than it's needed so it made us get double and triple bogeys quite often. Not to mention I accidentally punched my cousin with the controller while I swinged my driver, lol. After playing some golf and getting some ice for my cousin we played baseball. It was good for one match but then got boring. You just have to swing the controller like your bat but the problem is that the pitcher can throw curve balls, fast balls and other wierd stuff that makes it really hard to bat. Other than pitching and batting you just have to see your Mii run to first base and catch the ball. After a quick baseball game we played more tennis and had a great time. We couldn't play box because my friend only has 1 nunchuck.
That was my very fun day playing Wii wich made me think the difference of playing it alone or with a bunch of friends. In the end the Wii didn't buy me and just maybe I will get one in a year or something. I didn't check the Wi-Fi on the Wii but I don't think it's compared to Xbox Live. I think the Wii is just fun if you have friends to play with but it is a great console and throwing out more games like Wii sports will definetly improve it.
================ In other news ================
My WoW is not here yet! I'm so mad.... They said I will get it probably tommorrow but I can't wait! Ooo I got my A+ emblem the other day while I rated all Xbox 360 while I was bored, hehehe. I would like to thank Skaven King again for my awsoooome banners. Here they are.
Halo 3 Rainbow Six
Comment please, I need some thoughts.
Later everyone! I have to go back to Rainbow Six and pwn some people! :D
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