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Crispana Blog

I'm Baaaack! :D

Heeey everyone! Haven't posted in a while now, I just got back from my holiday in Mexico City and I have to say it was awesomeee! I spent aloot of time with my family and friends over there. Christmas was great, I got a new wireless mouse, Half Life 2 and a new piece of really nice headphones for the PC. New Year was even better! We ended up at 7am in the morning and then all my family went to eat breakfast, lol. I hope everyone had a really good time this Christmas and New Year and to everyone I couldn't say this here it goes:


I got that out of my system... Pheew. So in other neeews I am currently downloading Wow's new patch while I'm here on GS. I've been trying to get the Online PC Gaming Union back on it's feet but first we need the leader back. So, Code Zero if you read this please get activeee! I installed my CSS just to realize I need a faster internet.... Lol. I will get a faster connection this weekend probably. Well, I guess that's all.

Laaaater! :P

Reporting from Mexico City!*

Hey everyone! How's everyone doing? I'm doing really fine here on my cousin's house. I got here yesterday for my holiday to visit my family and spend christmas here. I'm having a lot of fun with my family they're all my age so I have alot to do. I won't be back until January 2 and I will only have 6 days left for my vacations to play some WoW and my most recent purchase: Half Life 2. I will be having a lot of fun with these 2 games. Well I haven't done much than going out with my cousins and I can't wait till Christmas. I hope all of you are having alot of fun on this vacations. Tell me what you've done! :D Ok, I can't do uch cause i'm on a Mac PC and I don't how to use it hehehe. Well I have to go now, commeeeent please! Happy Holidays!

Good News! :D

I have plenty of good news for me right now. First of all I finally got a level 10 on GameSpot and some new emblems. Thanks to fastesttruck for the emblem help. In other good news i'm finishing my finals tommorrow and then I got Friday off so i'm starting my vacations tommorrow. I'm leaving for a well diserved vacation on Saturday to spend Christmas with all of my family. I think i'll be back on January 2nd... or something like that.

The greatest news I have is that I finally got my World Of WarCraft today. After waiting almost a month due to the horrible delivery service I finally got it and i'm so happy. I'm installing the game right now and I can't wait to play. I think i'm making a character on the horde.... FOR THE HORDE! Hehehe. The only bad thing is that I have to study today and I have my soccer final too. So I think i'm playing until tommorrow and I will only have 2 days to play before I go on my vacation.

Well, I think that's all for now. I will be posting a new blog post probably on Saturday or Sunday when i'm on my cousins house. Wish me luck on my soccer final! :D

If you play WoW let me know so we can play together. Later everyone!

Halo 3: New pic!

After getting all excited about Halo 3's new ad I found a new awsome picture of gameplay! I hope you like it.

Enjoy :D

The image did not fit Click Here to view full size.

> Halo 3: Trailer 2

  Omg! I just can't stop watching the trailer. Everytime I see it I get goosebumps and I get all hyped up. I can't wait for the game to come out. I don't want to spoil it if you haven't seen it so here's the link to watch it:

Halo 3: Trailer 2

It's also now available on Xbox Live Market Place, wait till you watch it on HD! Check the official ad board on forums for full reviews or go to

Please write your thoughts on the ad here so I know what you think about it!

Good Halo! O dang.. Good Night!

~*~ First Impressions: I played the Wii ~*~

   Well, as you might have read on the topic name I played the Wii yesterday on a friend's house. He is a big Nintendo hardcore gamer and he invited me and my cousin to come over to his house and play some Wii. Just to point out, i'm not a one system hardcore gamer and I don't hate Nintendo. I play more Xbox 360 but I have nothing againts Nintendo, hehe. This is just for future reference.    :D

   We started playing, well actually watching how he played Zelda: Twilight Princess and how he defeated the last boss with no problem. He made it look easy and we watched amazed the last part of the game where... Oo I don't want to spoil it, hehehe. We watched the credits amazed and then he showed us some basic stuff on the game. I didn't like Zelda that much as I saw it but in the end it is ZELDA so I guess just by having the name it makes it a must. Graphics are good, the story is a little confusing, sound on the Wii controller is not as good and it made me think that having a regular nintendo controller would be better to play with. Anyways if I ever get a Wii I will definetly buy it.

   Then we moved on to Wii Sports and I had a wonderful time playing it. This game is the perfect way to show the Wii controller and I think it has the best uses. First we played some tennis (my personal favorite) and I pwned my buddies, lol. I laughed a lot while playing and I realized how tired I was after playing an hour. We also had a very good time while making our Mii's and doing all sorts of wierd face combinations. Tennis was easy, you have to do the same movement as if you where playing tennis. The Mii runs to the ball so you don't have to worry about it. It sometimes got a little sketchy and made the ball go out of the court or hitting the ball in the wrong direction but it is really fun. Then we played some bowling. It was not as fun because after you play 10 minutes you start getting strikes on every shot. To throw the ball you just aim the controller up and hold "B" and simulate the movement of you throwing the ball. "B" works as your fingers and you have to release them in the perfect time so you get a better shot. We didn't play much because matches are a little long and we wanted to check out the other games. We played some golf but just about 3 holes cause we got bored. Golf was hard because sometimes you put way more power on the shot than it's needed so it made us get double and triple bogeys quite often. Not to mention I accidentally punched my cousin with the controller while I swinged my driver, lol. After playing some golf and getting some ice for my cousin we played baseball. It was good for one match but then got boring. You just have to swing the controller like your bat but the problem is that the pitcher can throw curve balls, fast balls and other wierd stuff that makes it really hard to bat. Other than pitching and batting you just have to see your Mii run to first base and catch the ball. After a quick baseball game we played more tennis and had a great time. We couldn't play box because my friend only has 1 nunchuck. 

   That was my very fun day playing Wii wich made me think the difference of playing it alone or with a bunch of friends. In the end the Wii didn't buy me and just maybe I will get one in a year or something. I didn't check the Wi-Fi on the Wii but I don't think it's compared to Xbox Live. I think the Wii is just fun if you have friends to play with but it is a great console and throwing out more games like Wii sports will definetly improve it.

               ================ In other news ================

My WoW is not here yet! I'm so mad.... They said I will get it probably tommorrow but I can't wait! Ooo I got my A+ emblem the other day while I rated all Xbox 360 while I was bored, hehehe. I would like to thank Skaven King again for my awsoooome banners. Here they are.

Halo 3                                                    Rainbow Six

Comment please, I need some thoughts.

Later everyone! I have to go back to Rainbow Six and pwn some people! :D

My first game review! =)

  Wow, look at what GameSpot is making me do now... I just finished my Rainbow Six: Vegas review, something that I never thought I would be doing and GameSpot it making me like it. I think you all know how much I liked this game now, lol. Read the full review on my profile or on the Rainbow Six reviews section. I couldn't make a link because I have to go soon so please read it and tell me what you think.

In other news, I don't have school tommorrow so I will be playing Xbox Live a lot tonight. If you want to play with me just add me. I want to thank Skaven King for helping me out with some stuff I wanted to do on my profle. I have to be going now! I'll see you guys later.

.: Can someone help me make a good banner for my blog? :.

  Wow, two blog posts on one day. New record for me! Lol. Well I just posted this little blog to see if anyone that reads my profile please help me make a simple cool banner for my blog/profile. I just want one that says my name and a picture of a game I like with a cool background. Please comment here or send me a message if you are willing to help me.

Thanks to everyone that helps!

I got my computer back!

Yeey! Today I finaly got my computer back. After almost a week without my precious computer I got it back and it's freaking faaaast! I'm just waiting for my WoW to come and I will start playing. I will be online on GameSpot more often now so I hope I see you guys a lot more often!


-*- First Blog Post -*-

   A lot of stuff happened this weekend in my short life and I will try to explain it the best way I can. It all started by getting my Rainbow Six Vegas copy for the xbox 360 on Friday. I was very excited since this was a very anticipated game for me. I got back to my house and played all night just to get to part 2 on the game... I was playing on realistic difficulty and this game is freaking hard! Well, anyways I played a bunch of multiplayer too until I got to the point of playing a little gears again. I slept very little and woke up early to keep on playing some Vegas and I played until Saturday afternoon when a friend of mine picked me up and some more friends and we drove around the city doing nothing... It was the most boring Saturday ever. I hate it when that happens, when you got nothing to do but I didn't care because I had my Vegas waiting for me to get back home. When I got back I played a little more and then went to sleep. Again I woke up early because I had mass and then went to get breakfast with my family just to realize I was sick. I had a lot of pain in my stomach so when we got back to the house I did some work on the house and helped my parents on some chores. I watched some soccer games with my dad and then I started to have temperature and I just felt realy bad. I felt a little better and went to sleep just to wake up 2 hours later with fever. I felt realy bad and took some medicine. 30 minutes later I slept again, I missed school today wich is good but I still feel a little bad. Well, that was my weekend and this school days will go fast since I don't have school on Friday. I got my World of Warcraft coming on Wednesday wich I can't wait. I had to order it through the internet because there's no stores in Cancun where they sell it.

Well as you may have read it was a wierd weekend, hehe. I hope it was not boring. Yey I made it! My first blog post!

If you are currently playing WoW please let me know so you could help me have a good start. Also if you are playing Vegas, so we can pwn some people together. Later!

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