I just remembered, school's right around the corner... NO!!!!!!!! Vacation's nearly over... 2 weeks left!
CroSsbLadE415 Blog
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
Lazy Gaming weeks huh? Not too much happening with the PSP and other gaming consoles
Just got from Subic...
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
Ahhh.... needed that trip to that wonderful place!!!! It's so enjoyable and relaxing...
Costly Punch + Brutal = Crisis Core Domination!!!!!!
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
I already have 50% progress in Crisis Core's missions and I'm only on Chapter 6! I already got Costly Punch and Brutal and OMG!!!, enemies are getting pwned!!!! Wow!!!!
Dissidia Release Date and Bundle Confirmed...
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
Another PSP game part of the 2009 epic line - up has a confirmed release date!!! Alright!!! On August 25 2009, Dissidia will be coming out. Of course, the bundle ( limited edition ) will be there too.... Now, release dates for Tekken 6 and Soul Calibur : Broken Destiny anyone?
no good games on PSP lately...
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
i know i posted a lot of good games coming for the PSP.... , but that's for LATER THIS YEAR!!!! well at least Rock Band & Monster Hunter are on their way.... but for all the others, PLEASE COME SOON ENOUGH!!!!!
Yeah, its worth it....
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
Playing Crisis Core once again is definitely worth it! I'm enjoying it once again... Go Zack!!!!!!
Is Crisis Core worth playing one more time?
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
I've finished this game two times already but I want to explore the whole game properly. I want to fuse more materia, have the Genji equipment, have 1 million gil, beat Minerva, etc. But doing this is quite a large and long task is it still worth it? I'll find out for myself soon enough...
Level 3....
by CroSsbLadE415 on Comments
Okay, at least I'm gettin' there. Oh yeah, take note, I can finally review games... Sweet!!! All i need now are more emblems and contributions like videos, etc...
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