One of the biggest problems in regards to the issue of marijuana is that people on both sides of the fence make up exaggerated, and completely asinine arguments. It's not some dangerious substance that turns it's users into foaming-at-the-mouth psychotics or burnt-out unproductive slugs. Nor is it some panacea that can cure all illness and would make the world a wonderful place if they would just legalise it. It's a substance with pros and cons, just like everything else.
name 1 conoh wait, you cant, there are none
It can cause respiratory problems. It can impair fetal growth. It can effect memory. And yes, it can be addictive. While is one of the least harmful drugs out there is it not without its potential for negative effects. Of course I can tell that you're quite biased, so you'll probably just stick your fingers in your ears and say "nahnahnahnah I can't hear you".
respiratory only when smoked, edibles and vaporizers ftw, there has been no scientific study to suggest it impairs fetal growth, science has shown it actually helps your memory and no, it is not addictive at all physically, anything can be mentally addictiveit seems as though youre the one sticking his fingers in his ears and going "nahnahnahnah", youre pulling all these points out your ass without even fully looking into it like i have, i have seen all the studies, you have not judging by what youre posting
sit down little boy
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