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Woo! I've been tagged to make a list for all to see!

I know this is a rarity for me to make a blog-but it's nothing special-due to the fact Queen_Valentine tagged me to make a list, I will do so, and since she did 15 facts, I will do that much.

1. I am 21-and will be turning 22 next month.

2.If you haven't been able to tell by my emblems, I am a huge fanatic of old school 16 bit and 8 bit games, especially SNES RPGs. I love the old Squaresoft and Enix stuff, I also love the Lufia games, and i'm also a fan of Earthbound. Also if it isnt obvious-the SNES is actually my favorite console ever.

3.I'm a Sonic the Hedgehog nut, I am especially fond of the old Genesis games and Sonic CD, and of the Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM) cartoon from 1993.

4.I was in Boy Scouts and I did attain my Eagle Scout rank.

5. I would love the old cartoon Samurai Pizza Cats on DVD because it was so freaking wacky, except I feel like i'm like the only one who remembers that show.

6. I am a meat eater-I just cannot fathom the thought of going vegetarian, my favorite local place here (Tulsa, OK), is Phat Phillies. Their sandwiches are just EXCELLENT.

7. I am also extremely fond of giant robots in any form, this is probably due to my childhood love of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and the giant transforming combining robots on it. That and some of my favorite animes have giant robots. ESPECIALLY Gurren Lagann (insert shameless plug to tell you all to watch it here)

8.I am starting to learn to play the Guitar

9. I go to Tulsa Community College, and I have NO clue where I want to go next, but I know for certain it will be an in-state school.

10. My computer is an archaic piece of crap with a 700MhZ Pentium 3, and 512 MB of RAM and oddly it has a Radeon 9200 graphics card. This is fine for me seeing as I dont PC game at all, I've considered it, but everytime I try to get into a game on the PC, I just can't. This is most probably due to the fact i'm so used to doing work and crap on a computer that I just feel that I should be using it as that instead of as a toy. That and i've grown up with a controller in my hand.

11. Rad Racer was my first video game that I ever played lol. I was three years old.

12.I used to have pet dogs but after the second one kicked the bucket, we haven't had anymore since it's too depressing to have them die :(

13.I used to take karate but I never made it to my black belt, I got to the rank just below it, and then for some bizarre reason I quit, unfortunately im so out of shape now, that I pretty much would have to start all over, and that would be very expensive.

14.I love to watch movies, ever since I got netflix, ive been watching movies like a fiend since so many movies ive wanted to see are available there, that ive been catching up like mad with them. Im currently looking forward to watching a movie about zombie sheep called Black Sheep (nothing to do with the Chris Farley movie....obviously)

and finally

15. I'm starting to collect for the Sega Saturn and a game called Dragonforce right now is my most sought after game for it. I know not a big final finish but it wasnt meant to be.

These are 15 random facts about me and well, that's what you're gonna get XD. I am TERRIBLE at blogging so I refrain from doing so lol.