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Game of The Decade --- Part 2!

I won't be crabby in this post. I had to delete that last one. Made me feel like a turd after I read it a few days later. If you didn't see it, GOOD!!! I was starting to get sick and I was really crabby. SORRY!!!!!! Anyway...

The second Game of the Decade is...

Resident Evil 4

Sorry Davidhill11!

Resident Evil 4 was the first Resident evil that I ever played and I remember every minute of it. Too bad Resident Evil 5 wasn't as good as 4. I think everybody who goes back and plays Resident Evil 4, hates the AI of the Ganados. I however, love it. Heres a list of the stupid AI incidents that I had...

  1. The Ganado who can magically teleport behind you.
  2. Dr. Salvador (chainsaw dude) who can walk through a door. he literally walks through the wooden door without opening it or busting it down.
  3. The magical flying Ganado in the village. I had to use a sniper rifle to shoot him down. It sucked.
  4. The Reaper Ganado who can throw his scythe through any solid wall.
  5. And last but not least... The Ganado villager with the boomerang hatchet. This guy threw it at me, missed and the hatchet randomly flew back at him and he got killed by it. It caught him in the nuts.

Well, there you have it. Game of the Decade Part 2. Oh, I almost forgot, killing Ashley is the best part of the game, not really but it is fun! So go out, talk to the flasher - I mean merchant - and buy a minethrower, shoot ashley in the face with it and run away laughing insanely!