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My odd experience on Red Dead Redemption

I was playing Free Roam and I was in Mexico with my posse. I looked up to see what my allies were aiming at, and wouldn't you know? An NPC that was flying like a bird. Wow. Yeah, it was pretty messed up. Then, I switched servers and basically started over. I kept killing this one loser, I got a kill streak of 8 on this guy in ten minutes. When he finally killed me, he kept shooting my corpse in the head, wasting all of his ammo. This guy had to be a newbie, because when I respawned, he had no ammo left. Of any kind. He was out of all weapons. I walked up behind him, and he was kicking my corpse. I pulled my sawed off out and beat him with it, then I blasted him in the face. I looked down, and my High Powered Pistol was sitting on the ground. HE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE IT!!!!