Yeah... Thanksgiving was odd. My parents and I were the first to get to my grandparents' house. Then my aunt and cousin came and all hell broke loose. First thing my cousin (who is ten years old) says to me is, "Hi! Have you heard of an Elf on a Shelf?" Me, I had no fricken idea what she was talking about. Turns out that her friend who lives next door to her got an Elf on a Shelf and she didn't. I had to ask my Grandma what it was about. I guess this Elf on a Shelf is supposed to tell Santa if you are a good kid or not then he tells Santa what you want for Christmas. She is TEN YEARS OLD and she still believes in Santa Clause. My cousin threw this huge fit when she couldn't find one in her house. If you want to see what an Elf on a Shelf is, here you go.
That's not creepy at all.