Crovax20 / Member

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System Wars Tyrants

Yay, so much for posting at least once per 3 days. I got suspended for a severe TOS violation on system wars.

Sounds pretty interesting huh? Here is what I posted

Please head over to Ask the mods forums, if you want to ask the mods a question. This is not the forum for threads questioning mods

So anyways just because it was off topic and I was kind enough to tell the thread creator where he should go, I got a 5 day suspension. Only possible in system wars where the mods have apperantly gotten dictatorship rights from gamespot. Any other board and I would probably get a thank you for showing him the right board.

Really System wars rules are getting absurd. Believe me they are slowly devastating it so they can say that they are removing system wars altogether because not enough people post in it.

The mods abuse their powers in system wars because a select few idiots every now and then post porn threads. This new rule about not posting in porn threads gives you a 5 day suspension. Okay, I can agree with that. But I think this is going overboard

This applies to any thread that is in violation of the TOS...not just porn suicide threads. (ban dodgers, illegal activity, advertising, spam, off-topic, etc.)

Mods got way to many excuses to suspend people for rather minor offences now. Porn is inexcusable. But helping someone out by pointing him towards the right board, will get you suspended now as well.

This is just retarded, because bumping up porn threads is (perhaps imho) way more severe then posting in any of the others listed. You still get to serve the same penalty. Its also nice that they just suspend you without any regards to your recent moderation history. I had a clean record for over 5 months now. That should tell them I am not an everyday violater. Still no warning, just boom suspend everyone

Only in system wars people, only in system wars 

P.S I can recommend anyone to read this thread on the system wars forums, they had it opened up for a while but locked it again, because they were losing the "battle" against system wars regulars. Really this is the mods attitude on system wars