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Crunch87 Blog

Smells like Teen Spit

Kind of an odd way to make a blog post... especially when I haven't posted in about 2 months... and probably won't until summer....

But today during Biology I was caught in the crossfire of Travis and the teacher yelling, and a big glob of spit shot me in the head, so I yelled out, yet nobody noticed. I got hit 4 TIMES more (twice by either of them). I guess that's what happens when you get stuck with the front seat for the period right after lunch.

If there's anything I hate it's being spit on with globs of plaque and saliva. My hair smells awful and got tangled a bit. Has this ever happened to any NORMAL PEOPLE?

 In other news, well, not much has happened. Nothing really important at school, I don't have a job (yet, but i haven't even applied) and all my friends have girlfriends while I haven't had one for... a few months now....  

What's happened to me?

Well, I starting doing stuff. I got a Gibson guitar for Christmas, so I'm teachin myself cause I'm broke.

My engine broke down on the old pickup I had, so that's a bust. If I wanna go anywhere- school, friend's house, basketball- it's by bike.

Sorry to the people who sent me christmas messages and I didn't answer.

I also missed Anmoranalina's birthday and I'll probably miss Catnape's, so srry in advance (and Happy B-day!)


A Post-New Year's Resolution

So hey, I haven't been on for a while, but it's kinda boring here and I'm outta ideas. My New Year's resolution is to well....... pretty much get outta here and move on with my life. So, I'll probably be outta here by 2007 (not right away, maybe March or so.) . I dunno. 95% chance. Just a few more plog posts of randomness to go before I leave, though. just a few more flings before it's up.

Blogs left for me to make: 10

This is driving me CRAZY!

Why must people love other people on the site!? It's weird and creepy! The only way you should like someone is if you PERSONALLY know them. I know it's "what's on the inside" that counts, but honestly, not many people only go by their personality. Please, if you like someone, you can admit it, but it would be better if you left the matter alone.

Hey guys...

Wazzup? I'm not really sure I have much time for any more, you know, goinalong with my life and all.  So I might just leave.....The forums are boring, I have nothing to post in a blog.... nothin left except you guys. That's not very many reasons. There's probbly a 70% chance I'll leave.

Sometimes I wonder...

What all these nicknames mean. Whether it has lots of numers or just a bunch of garbage, a lot of us have names with strange or no meanings. I don't even now what Crunch87 means. That's why I prefer it when you call me Jake. :)

P.S. What's your name mean?

It's that time of year......

You know, when the leaves slowly transition from lush greens to a firework display, the brisk morning air is perfect for outdoors.... and you can go up to some person's doorbell, yell in their face, and get free candy. :lol: So Halloween is in less than two weeks, and I've been insulted about half a dozen times about how when your my age, (15-16) you shouldn't go trick-or-treating- It's childish, stupid, and well, childish. I don't find it weird though... that candy will probably be my college dinners during Novembers to come. :) But I'll be the only teenager among 20 ten-year olds.... i might get reported to the police or something.... Although, I feel sorta like a little kid a lot... but when you think about it, I still am a kid, because I'll probably get to be about 90 or something.... that's a long way away.

But even without Holloween this is by far my favorite season. Except that on Sundays in fall, it reminds me that school just started a month ago and I've got at least 6 years left before I'm free. On another bright side, tomorrow's Friday. *this is where you cheer*

Friend of the- er.. Half Month!

This Half-Month's Friend of the month is....

Whoops, folks, we got a 3 way-tie! Come on down for fabulous prizes, isud12, Catnape, and Dognapee! *Marching band plays, chocolate rains, and trophies are passed out*

Plus, I think I don't get enough Blog comments. We all comment, but then it ends up as a conversation between me and the 3 of you (Isud12, Anmoranalina, and Catnape/Dognapee)

Icon Management

Does anybody here think I should get a new icon? I've had Snoopy since the day i started- July 7th. I always liked it myself, but everyone's always changing icons (except a few people, like Anmoranalina). If anybody here thinks that Snoopy should go, please give me suggestions.

The Purpose of Man

I've been doing some thinking over the past few days. Everybody's read the tales from the bible- and when God first set Adam and Eve on earth. Why would he want flaw-filled human forms roaming the earth? Why would he allow us to say what we want? Or to think what we want? I mean, other people can believe in other religions, and some don't even beleive in him! And come to think of it, we don't help god out or obey his laws as much as we should. Yet he does not punish us. He's being extremeley grateful there! Eveyday there are simple kid-fights to even child molesting or theivery or gun-fights? What's up with that?

To top it off, us humans don't even give him as much thanks as we should. There are some very grateful and religious people out there, but not NEARLY enough as there should be. Don't we realize what great gift he gave us? LIVES! PEOPLE, LIVES!  That's not somethin you can buy from the store! It's the greatest gift of all!

And then there's my real question again: Why on earth would anybody put us ungrateful and flawed people on this planet?  There's some depth in that question, but nobody can really percieve the whole magnitude of it. Life is a large gift in a small package- it's a gift only a slect few of us are worthy of. I don't understand why he offers so many of us who don't think of him every day (honestly... I don't do that..... I slip up 1/3 of the time...) There's some real meaning in why he made us. I don't know what, but until I get this laod off my mind I will never rest.

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