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De-Evolution and Gamers.

So i keep playing more games that keep surprising more and more in bad ways. Sure the games are getting simpler, and losing depth at every turn, but i keep noticing another bar that is sprinting backwards toward caveman stupidity.

The community.

In the last 5 years ive without a doubt run into some of the dumbest people ever to have picked up a controller and its getting worse. Im talking people who cant figure out their classes or what their intended roles are when the games simplified these jobs to kindergarten levels and these dumber then i thought humanly possibly people insult you for trying to discuss this with them no matter your approach if they feel you've identified something in them should obviously be doing.

Then assuming they could figure out their character classes, they have no grasp on tactics or positioning seemingly at all. Is this really that hard? I dont understand how we went from having the competitive gaming communities go from having the skill and numbers to support matches with tens of thousands show up for a single 2 man match of these games to watching new games top players of the world who have no more skill or methods then to run around and rely on muscle memory and jumping up and down like bunny rabbits (yes im referring to the Neanderthal fps community now).

The whole world is going backward, everyones getting dumber exponentially. People can no longer think for themselves at all. Its got to be tv or something in the water, but wtf happened to this planet? Im older and getting slower all the time, but instead of getting worse then my opposition, im getting better. People are falling for some of the most basic tactics i know. Im also literally finding some of these players sitting in a room by themselves facing a wall in the corner waiting to ambush someone whose virtually never gonig to come by and their backs are exposed to a large quarter of the level. This is becoming the norm. Every new title i see is going to shock me on a grand scale just how bad the majority of any community is able to grasp the mechanics, further forcing game makers to make games for more idiots.

Casual gaming and marketing are destroying your brains kids. you dont have to suck beyond words your whole life. At least we are quickly getting to the lowest point the industry can finally put us, but this is not encouraging. I dont want a tutorial to have to sound out the words for a command it wants me to preform. Try learning from your mistakes, or better yet emulate your betters. Try and actually improve yourself instead of just talking trash to anyone you cant beat or trying to hack to defeat them.

And to you idiot hackers who usually still die to your own stupidity, just what do you get out of the experience? You cheat to get what you have and nobody thinks your funny or cool for doing it, so why bother? Acheivements these days dont even give you rewards either these days, so really its doubly pointless of why you do this. Yet there are more hackers today and this number is growing everyday.

Just why do you people even bother to play games at all if your just going to lose the game for everyone else, or destroy the balance by exploiting or hacking? This is the new majority. No one wants to play games anymore, they either want a virtual movie with minor amounts of inconsequential player action, or they want to hack an cheat their way past it completely. Why do you people even bother to play games? go watch a movie ffs. Theres already a whole industry there that caters to the masses in a coma that cant think for themselves, so go back to your home.