Ever since i was a kid i always talked about how cool it would be to see things like a warhammer 40k mmo, a fallout game made by the original folks (vegas/obsidian), a fallout mmo (interplay) and many more atm. I always though how cool it would be to play a fps that coincided with the mmo i was playing in the case of dust 514 and Eve online, and obviously starcraft is one of those games you've been waiting for since forever.
These are just a few of the examples of titles and projects that we can expect this year. These are titles i grew up on, and have always had a place in my heart and are some of the most looked foward to games of all time.
So why am i writing this?
Because i cant get excited about any of them.
The industry is just so bad that i know all these games are going to have a fraction of the content of games of the past. They are going to include a few gimicky features and other inconsequential functions in their place. Their most certainly going to add dialog options that dont matter and write ai scripts that ive been ranting about for years. The mmos will continue to copy wow, and rts's will continue to become more automated and more detached to community wants.
They say the greatest tradgedy in life is not getting what you wanted, the only thing worse is actually getting it.
As teh quality of games decreases, and games get easier and easier/more simplified, and the problem solving abilities of the community diminish, so do our games. Idiocracy is not the future. It is now.
Another example of this is lets take an old shooter like contra. You had 3 lives, and you got hit once and you were dead. Period. Now you get shot in most games, you just run away for a second or two and come back. Old rts's like warcraft you have to micromanage everything you want to do from keeping your units alive to using special abilities. Rts of today autocast ablities and come with auto-runaway buttons. Id really like to see the old guys that made the game Donkey Kong (the most difficult game ever made) and see what they think of fallout 3's ubernoob V.A.T.S pausing system.
Games used to take skill. Now they just provide the illusion thus. Games used to have content. Content like hidden levels. Extra campaigns. New characters, new abilities etc. Now we get achievements unlocks, and these little kids that think they know how to play games crying at you over a microphone that you cant shut off. What a great idea that was :(
Id get started ranting on the new hardware or interface accesorries that are going to fail again this year, but i complain too much already. :) At least the crap musical instument gaming fad seems to finally be dieing out. And none of those people still know anything about music lol.