Well, today is the day. The day that gamers have been waiting for years to experience. That's right boys and girls, Halo 3 comes out tonight. Now I am sure that noone needs me to tell them this because the news has been plastered on everything from TV commercials to Mountain Dew cans. I personally am not purchasing the game, but that's not really my point here. What I really want to talk about is: A) The ridiculous "ram-it-down-your-throat" advertising campaign. And B) The gross overpricing of "Collector's Edition" game bundles.
First, the advertising. Now I know the "uber elite" Halo fans loved every TV spot, commercial, trailer, and promotion that occurred, but as for me, I got tired of hearing about the game weeks before it was to even be released. I couldn't even go to Burger King without seeing Master Chief's helmed face staring back at me. Please don't get me wrong, I'm glad that video games are starting to get alot more attention from others outside the traditional gaming demographic, but I can say that I will complain the same way about a movie that gets the same amount of ridiculous campaigning, i.e. Spider-Man 3. I don't need burger joints or soft drink cans telling me what games or movies to buy. I can make that decision for myself. My favorite had to be the Wal-Mart ads that boasted the check-out lines dedicated solely to Halo 3. Sure, the idea is great, but do you really need to tell everyone about it during every commercial break? Just put some signs up at the store and let people figure out. Once again, human beings are capable of thinking without a corporation doing it for them. Of course, the best part of the Wal-Mart ads is that the Halo 3 only lanes are not even available at every store...just those in large cities.
Now onto my second topic: "Collector's Edition" game packages. Okay, here we go. My question is, why? Why should I pay extra money for the same game wit a minor fraction of added content usually consisting of a DVD of behind-the-scenes footage that I can watch for free on Gamespot? The answer is simply money. No more and no less. They play up the super-special bonus edition, you fork over ten bucks, you get slightly different box art, and a fifteen minute DVD that you may watch once. Now, I'm a realist, I understand that the video game business is exactly that, and no matter how much we want to believe that it is about the experience or the art it is in fact always about the almighty dollar, and I am fine with that. What I do not understand is why are we not getting something more for our ten dollars. I am already paying an extra ten bucks for 360 and PS3 games, why another ten for a DVD of worthless content. I know there have been a few exceptions that even I have bought (Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, Resident Evil 4, Final Fantasy XII, and Gears of War to be specific). There are some other games such as Need for Speed: Most Wanted that allowed extra in-game content with the collector's edition, and a few games such as Gears of War offered the sleek metal cases. I am a sucker for the metal cases, and I will occasionally splurge to have them. (I have a three year old daughter, so every ounce of prevention is worth it.) It just gets under my skin that every game that comes out seems to have some sort of collector's package, whether it deserves it or not. The one that really blew my mind was the Legendary Halo 3 package. Once again, this is geared towards the hardcore Halo fans, and I completely understand that noone is forcing anyone to purchase it, but 120 dollars is a crazy amount of cash to plop down on a single game and a tiny (probably plastic...I could be wrong) replica of Master Chief's helmet. Basically for the price of two games, you can be the proud owner of helmet that would more than likely retail for twenty dollars if it was sold separately. There is, of course, the argument that it is a collector's item and will be worth alot of money down the road, and that is true...if you don't open it, and I know maybe one in twenty of the people who buy it will leave it sealed. I just hate to see such blatant price gouging invading the industry, but as I said, it is a business.
I hope all the Halo 3 fans enjoy the game, it definitely looks great, and the reviews are nothing but positive. I will be checking it out soon, but who knows when Blockbuster will have an available copy. :)
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