A new year.......for gaming?
by CrusherOfThings on Comments
Well 2006 arrives without much hoopla. Not that I can complain, I don't really give a rat's ass about the new year. What I DO give a rat's ass about is the following upcoming games: Company of Heroes' Warhammer Mark of Chaos RF Online D&D Online Now, I shall discuss these in order. Company of heroes is an AMAZING looking WW2 RTS made by Relic, the brains behind Warhamer 40K: Dawn of War. This game looks freakin amazing. If you haven't heard of it you're missing out. Speaking of RTS, the next one up is Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. This will be an awesome RTS, because it will be top notch like WH40K only its set in the classic medieval Warhammer universe. Highly looking forward to this game. As for RF Online, it is a MMORPG that mixes fantasy with sci fi. It looks really fantastic, and I'm an MMORPG freak, so this will be right down my alley. Also, speaking of MMORPG's, DDO is on my list of things to get. Yes, I'm going to be paying insane monthly sub fees lol, but I'm an addict, what can I say? I wasn't really that amazed with the DDO beta, but I could see the potential it presented. So therefore, I'll give it a spin. If I don't like it I'll just quit. But those are my highlights of what I'm most looking forward to in 2006. As of this writing that is.