Games I've Been Playing.
by CrusherOfThings on Comments
Seeing as how I haven't posted anything for over a month, I thought I'd let you know that I haven't died! I'm still alive and kicking. Just recently got Mega Man X Maverick Hunter for my PSP and it is awesome. It's Old School Mega Man with a facelift! They gave fans for once what they wanted. Instead of making it some sloppy 3D Platformer, they stuck to their 2D roots and gave it a whopping dose of steroids. I also am going to get Street Fighter Alpha 3 for PSP. Street Fighter Alpha 3 is my favorite version of Street Fighter ever, and now I can take it anywhere! Capcom is coming on pretty strong on the PSP. It's about time someone did. There for a while PSP was getting thrashed by Nintendo DS, but now they are STARTING to level out the playing field. I was always disappointed by Sony. They created this marvelous handheld tech, but then don't deliver with the games. But that seems to be changing a bit now, so we shall see if this trend continues. In other news, I'm highly looking forward to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Yes, I've been a Mortal Kombat freak since MK1 in the arcade. And I've survived the transition to 3D. But Armageddon looks like it's set to deliver the best MK fighting game in current gen consoles. I'd LOVE to see what they could do with 360 or PS3, but I guess I'll have to wait a long time for that. In the meantime I'll be kicking ass with MK: Armageddon. Another bonus, is Samurai Shodown V. I loved the Samurai Shodown series almost as much as Street Fighter, and now I can FINALLY have a halfway decent home conversion. I've heard people nitpick about it, but really, coming from a Samurai Shodown fan, I'm just glad they didn't screw it up. Worth at least renting if you're a 2D fighting fan. I bought it though because I'm a Fight Game fanatic. Lately I've been spending a lot of time with MMORPG's which has cut my console gaming time a little "short". Primarily World of Warcraft, but Everquest 2 has COMPLETELY overhauled the way it plays. They gave it a massive facelift, similar to what SOE did to SWG. And I must say, I'm liking both games about equally. I just hate how time consuming they can be. I've also tried the betas of Rising Forces Online, and Dungeons & Dragons Online. Both good games. If you like anime and sci-fi then definitely check out RF Online. I had mixed feelings about DDO, it starts out a tad on the slow side IMHO but picks up some as you go, so I'll probably try it out. What MMORPG's will I end up playing full time? God only knows, but thats a lot of money lol. And I'm not talking about purchases I'm talking about monthly fees. $14.99 x 4 if I play WoW, RF Online, DDO, and EQ2. All this money when I could be buying BRAND NEW games for my consoles....hmm. The catch 22 of playing way too many MMORPG's lol. I'm sure I'm going to cut something out somewhere.....I can't imagine I'd TRY to play all those MMORPG's at once. I'd have time for nothing else lol. A little time to devote to a SINGLE one of em. I'd be hopping around getting nowhere. So, we'll see I guess. Recently got Dead or Alive 4 for my 360. Pretty awesome fighting game. I mean, nothing fantastically new that blew me away. But still a good fighter I don't regret owning. I also bought some stuff on the Xbox Live Marketplace. I got Robotron 2084, Gauntlet, and Geometry Wars: Evolved, or whatever it's called. I'm a huge Robotron fan. That game is really addictive if you don't mind super simplistic old school games. Geometry Wars plays a lot like Robotron. Well I believe that about wraps up this edition of my blog. Peace. -Shawn