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Haha! Take THAT, Gamestop!

I KNEW Quake 4 for the Xbox 360 wouldn't be better than the PC version, and it IS downright worse, just like I predicted! My local Gamestop wouldn't stop preaching about how superior the 360 version would be and acted like I was an idiot when I changed my mind about purchasing the PC version instead of the 360 version. But Gamespot has posted their official review of Quake 4 on the 360 and it got a 6.6 out of 10! Compared to their 8 out of 10 review for the PC. And the reason being was PERFORMANCE ISSUES! Yes, that's right, the 360 version suffers from terrible frame rate among other things! So call me an idiot all you want, I at least have the good version. The Gamestop crowd can play their crap 360 version all they want. In other knews concerning the 360 and FPS games; Perfect Dark Zero got rave reviews. Which is also another thing I predicted that came true. I knew that a FPS built from the ground up for the 360 instead of a lame PC port would be far superior, and it is. 9 out of 10 on Gamespot. So when I FINALLY get my Xbox 360, I'll be playing me some Perfect Dark Zero! I'm on the waiting list because I reserved a 360 and they didn't get enough in. *sigh* Oh well, I'm patient. Well, no I'm not, but I guess I have no choice in the matter. lol. But anyway, I'm smarter than Gamestop! hehe!