History repeats itself. Again.
by CrusherOfThings on Comments
Well, the Xbox 360 has had a rocky start. But looking back over the years, I can't think of a single console launch that had a smooth release, probably not since the days of NES and SNES lol. People make too big a deal out of things nowadays and complain VERY loudly and vocally. And with the advent of the Internet, it has only magnified this problem, as there are many outlets to spread your word. Now, I'm not saying that nobody should complain about the 360 launch. I complain about it myself (see previous blog entries). But PS2 had shortage problems, Dreamcast had issues with games not working, etc. So this is really in fact nothing new. We just live in an even faster paced society now (if that is possible) and everyone must have everything perfect RIGHT NOW. In a perfect world, this would be great, but we must accept reality for what it is. So, I will continue to wait patiently for my 360 preorder to arrive in the next big batch of shipments and hope that all goes well. And if it doesn't, it's nothing that I haven't experienced before with other console releases. That's a part of being an "early-adopter". You have to be prepared to take a few lumps as any new technology is bound to have some flaws of some sort when it is released. Maybe one day we'll see an actual smooth launch of a console (PS3 or Revolution?). Just maybe. If only we lived in a perfect world.