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My Personal Hobby

Well, judging from my sizeable collection of games one can come to the conclusion that I'm totally into games. But it goes beyond just playing them. I also dabble in making them! I've made several little games or remakes of old classics like Asteroids, Breakout, etc. Those were all easy to do. But I'm making a bold attempt to try something ambitious. The game is entitled "Elf Lands" and is sort of like Zelda combined with Final Fantasy. I don't like comparing it to other games because it makes it seem so unoriginal, but that's the best way to describe it. I have many things in store for this game. I plan on making the game world huge and packing as many "zones" into it as I can. And I also want to pack it with a ton of secrets. So, how far along am I? Well, I have the engine built pretty much. I got the intro movie sequence completed. I have an inventory system in place and even a secret code entry, but you'll have to figure out the secret codes on your own ;) I may have contests where I give out hints to the secret codes. But anyway, the game is being made in an easy to use application called Multimedia Fusion 1.5 made by Clickteam. This is a powerful and flexible tool and you can basically recreate any 2D game you can think of with it. It is truly an amazing little program. It uses a drag 'n drop interface and an event system to tell the game how to behave. It takes some time to learn the ins and outs. I've been using it for years and I'm still learning new techniques I never thought of before. But going back to Elf Lands, I'm truly excited about this project and I hope I can complete it to my own satisfaction. I'm afraid maybe I'm a bit too ambitious but so far everything is working out. Here are some screenshots for it: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 You may be wondering how I managed to do the graphics. I did most of the work in 3D Studio Max and imported them as .bmp images to make the graphics. If you are interested in view the first Cinematic Trailer for the game simply download the following files: cncs232.dll Place cncs232.dll in the same folder as the Elf Lands trailer .exe file. The cncs232.dll is the runtime file for the game engine, so it won't play unless it's in the same directory as the Elf Lands trailer. The Trailer can be downloaded here: Cinematic Trailer 1 Anyway, I'm having a blast making the game, and I hope you find this to be interesting. I still have a lot of work to do on it but I hope it goes quickly because I really want to finish this product. I will be distributing it as freeware. Yep, absolutely free of charge. Anybody who wants a copy just needs to email me their mailing address and I'll burn the game to disc and mail it to them. I imagine the final product will be too big to put on my website for download. So I'll just burn it to CD and use snail mail. So that's my little secret passion and hobby.