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Star Wars Galaxies has been forever changed...thank the gods!

Everybody is complaining up a storm about the new total revamp of SWG. With ANY new change in an MMORPG there is ALWAYS whiners, and boy, are they whining a LOT about this. I guess to a certain extent I can see their point of view. The game THEY liked playing is now gone. However, the game THEY liked playing is a game that neither I nor thousands of others liked playing. SOE had to save SWG or cancel it. So they changed a lot of things. The biggest changes is the character classes based on Star Wars archetype characters, such as Han Solo / Smuggler, Boba Fett / Bounty Hunter, etc. But MOST IMPORTANTLY out of this new list is LUKE SKYWALKER / JEDI. Yes, you read that right. You can now start out as a Jedi in SWG. Previously, becoming a Jedi was a task that only the hard core gamers who played all day long could accomplish. It was a ridiculously hard feat to complete. And I'm glad they changed it. This is STAR WARS folks. I don't care if in the ACTUAL timeline of the Star Wars Universe there weren't Jedi running around all over during this current timeline. What good is a Star Wars game if you can't even pick to play a Jedi?! Anybody who has a problem with this has some serious issues. If you're some average casual gaming Joe with no clue and buy a Star Wars game and find out you can't play as a Jedi, I'd wager you'd be pretty pissed you bought that Star Wars game. And that's exactly what the old SWG had no chance of ever becoming a Jedi unless you quit your day job to play SWG. But lets move on from the Jedi. The game has been seriously sped up. And I mean everything! You now actually RUN instead of walk like an 80 year old man with a cane. That always bugged the hell out of me, how slow you ran, but that's all fixed now. And combat now requires at least a CERTAIN degree of skill. Gone are the days of clicking attack then going to the kitchen to make yourself a sandwich. Combat is interactive. You have to actually fight instead of watching the computer fight for you. And the combat is now a LOT faster. I just don't get why people think this game is totally destroyed. But that's all you hear about in the user reviews and on the boards which I won't even visit because I know I'll just get pissed off if I keep reading idiotic comments about how great the old SWG was and how the new SWG is crap. I quit World of Warcraft, and was about to give up on MMORPG's altogether, but I'm certainly sticking around for the NEW and IMPROVED SWG. And man, if SOE rolls back the Game Enhancements like they did the Combat Upgrade I'll be pissed off. IF they are even considering bringing back the old SWG they need to designate new servers for Classic SWG, and servers for the New SWG. This is not hard to do. Mythic did this exact same thing for Dark Age of Camelot. And, to be honest, I think it's probably fair that people are given a classic SWG server and the option to transfer their character there. One thing that pisses me off that they DIDN'T change was the "One Character Per Server" rule. Right now I'm playing a Jedi, but if I want to make a Bounty Hunter or something else, they have to reside on a separate server, which is just plain stupid. I was surprised to find out they haven't changed that rule yet. I can't think of a single other MMORPG that has this sort of limitation. If you join a PA (Player Association, basically a Guild), you're not going to want to play on a different server. So you're stuck playing one character forever. Another noteworthy feature is LOOT. Granted, starting out, all I get is vendor trash and some credits, but at least you can finally make a LITTLE money from running around killing NPC's and monsters, aside from the mission terminal. Now I don't know if they have some super awesome loot system in place where you have a chance of finding some uber item or not, but that would be cool if they did. But the bottom line; I'm enjoying the new SWG and I think I'll be playing it for quite some time. Definitely was worth checking out the Game Enhancements.