Thank you Ebay!
by CrusherOfThings on Comments
Well, since Microsoft couldn't deliver, I went to Ebay. It was a mad house. Those things were going like crazy. I must have lost like ten auctions in a row before I finally beat out someone. My goal was to stay under 800 bucks for the Premium bundle lol. So, I ended up winning a factory sealed Premium bundle for $750 dinero plus an extra $30 for 3 day insured shipping. It comes with a full warranty too. But, I'm not sure what good that'll do me unless they bought it from Best Buy or something. And even then it wouldn't be in my name, so I have no idea what that means. I know that at least Microsoft is standing behind their product and shipping out new units to owners who have defective ones. And if mine is defective I'm gonna be SOOOO ticked off. Oh well, at least I'll HAVE ONE, and have confidence that Microsoft will replace it if it does screw up. But at least I finally got a damn 360! Well, not quite yet, but it should show up early next week! Yay!