Well I got my 360 finally the other day.
by CrusherOfThings on Comments
Which is why I haven't posted here for a while. So far I'm liking Project Gotham Racing 3 the most. It is really cool. Took me a while to figure out how to powerslide around corners but I'm doing better now that I figured it out lol. Haven't tried Kameo yet. Think that's next on my list of things to do. Played Perfect Dark Zero online. Still up in the air about that game. It seems to be slower paced, or at least the games that I joined. I'm used to ultra fast Quake Deathmatch on the PC lol. So that might have something to do with it. But I'm reserving judgement on PDZ until I get more gametime. Plus I jumped online immediately without trying the single player. I do that with most FPS games I play. I generally have no interest in a single player FPS. I'm more of a death match monkey, personally.