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Crysallimir Blog

Worst day of life...

this has been the worst week of my life, the 13th the grand finish. Now before I start, I should explain a few terms: Mofia: the group popular guys (the brainless italian preps) Clone Army: same as the Mofia, but girls, and really gossipy Kender: the annoying semi-popular girls who make my life hell no matter what... note: all names censored for privacy reasons that said, let's begin. Anyway, on Saturday I met a girl here, and she's 21. As soon as my family found out, they've just pissed me off with it, my little brother and stepdad especially. You know, referring to her as my girlfriend, telling everyone she is, saying it's wrong, all that **** Sunday, my cat starts acting strange, and we start keeping an eye on him. Monday, nothing majorly bad, but me and my best friend start getting a little shaky... Tuesday, my best friend can't go five minutes without either pissing me off or offending me in some way. On top of that, the Mofia starts annoying me again in full throttle. One guy in my math class went as far as the ask me if the teacher makes me horny, then telling everyone it does. On top of that, we take my cat to the vet. Theyve been running tests the past few days and still don't know what's wrong with him... Wednesday, I can't stand my friend anymore, so I sit alone at lunch. In Gym (I suck at Gym, to be honest. To do anything well, I needc to get into this zen-like state of mind, but in Gym class I just can't focus (yet I thought up an entire chapter in my book at a Judas Priest concert, so it makes no sense)) my teacher assigned permanent teams for the rest of the basketball unit (basketballs' my worst), and it's me and five of the most overly-competitive people in my grade. So, when I missed a shot, they were all pissed. When the game ended, they all grouped together, grabbed a bunch of basketballs out of the box and started whipping them at me. Also, Gamesxpot gets new mods, getting rid of my favorite mod. These new mods go on a locking frenzy, deleting a **** of blog posts I made and even digging back to two months ago when I made a joke about two Jewish guys in a bar... Thurdsday, a good day at the time. I had an appointment, so I didn't go to school. Big mistake... Today, me and my friend are on good terms again. But, the first thing he says to me when we meet up is, "You're going to hate me." Apparently, the Mofia cornered him (at this point i should make it clear that my friend has the WORST poker face you have ever seen...) and asking him who I like. Then, they started naming names. Finally, they came upon the right name by chance, and he blushed. Then, they told everyone, and now I can't step into one class without someone saying something. But worse, one **** took it to the next level, saying: "Hey ????, Mathew (me) told me 'I want to *** ???? up her sweet ass.'" That's what he said, verbatim. On top of that, I forget my lunch. So now, I put up with 50 minutes of pure hell with an empty stomach, as Clones, Kender, and italians swarm me and just piss me off. Now, everyone thinks I'm a freak, the other girl I like now stares at me like I'm a car accident, and everyone knows. Now, I'm the "hippie nerd who wantsz to **** ??????? in the ass." It's pure hell. I just want to punch ++++++++++ in the face and walk off. I mean, even my friends think I'm a freak. By the end of drama class, I had the six clones in my class swarmed around me asking me questions while I had a panic attack (I'm claustrophobic). Then, a Kender joins in, and from there I literally pass out for a minute. All in all, it's just gone to hell. I'm more disliked than ever, and I was already on the bottom of the social triangle (seriously, the 14year-old bearded kid who makes sound effects and the goth who stares at people were mor liked than me to begin with...). My cat's prolly gonna die, and but now I have this on my ass. Even now, they're barrading me on MSN. I blocked them, but they's sending me and my friends harrassing e-mails, and doctoring conversations between us and sending them to ????? to make it look like I'm talking about her.

My principal is psychic...

We had a day off scheduled for Monday, but the principal moved it over to today(there's still 10 minutes left) last week. Today, I wake up, and there's pratically a blizzard. A few cars are burried, and the streets are almost completely empty. It's a snow day, which is very rare where I live.
My principal, by the way, is sadistic. She likes to see us suffer, and would like nothing better than to inflict pain upon us. I'm telling you, she saw this coming and moved the ped day over so we wouldn't miss an extra day of school...

My Freakin' Leg!

Ugh...Yesterday...I went to Hudson to visit family for Thanksgiving, and I slipped down a very wet hill. I don't quite know how it happened, but I landed wth my leg under my body. I've since been restricted to a chair. When I walk, it's with a major limp. I swear, I'm losing my mind. Plus, my mom's sending me to school tomorrow, so I'm royally screwed.

Got Suspended

The other day I went on GS and I got a PM saying I was suspended. I flamed this guy really bad because he said we needed a world war, but honestly. What kind of moron says we NEED war? People spend their whole lives trying to stop war, and here's this guy wanting people to die and economies be ruined. Does anyone seriously think this is right?

Tired, Bored, and Going Insane

Well, to start off, I'm not listenning to music, so I'm obscenely irritable. That said, I have the same two lines from Edie (Ciao Baby) by The Cult rpeating in my head. I'm tired as hell, but I'm still watching my PMs for anything. Besides, I can't sleep when I'm this bored, so I'm probably gonna stay here 'till way into the morning until I just fall asleep at the keyboard.

Complete Boredom

The only time I hate weekends; when there's nothing to do. I'm sitting at myt computer, posting in the forums and listening to Guns & Roses. How more dull can life get (aside from G&R). Besides, the OT forums are dead.
All my good games have to been played beyond the point of obscenity, and RPGMaker XP gets old after a while. All I've accopmlished all day is a convo in my game and sitting through an Airline Marathon on A&E.
I can't stand being in school ,but at the same time home is a complete bore. Sometimes I wonder if there's any way out of this endless spiral of boredom.

Dial-Up Rants

I swear, dial-up is the worst. It takes ten minutes just for my frggin' Launchcast station to lad, and another five for the first song to load. I can't watch videos, download lots of things I want to, or even play some intenret games. If I want to downlaod songs, there's no point of checking out anything else, because I need to transfer my whole fricking bandwidth into getting the songs.
But the worst part of all; I can't use the phone and the net at the same time. My mom is on the phone must of the day, so I usually don't even get that long, hence I barely sleep during the weekend to use it then.
Speaking of which, my mom needs the phone now, so I'm out.

First Entry.

As this is my first journal, I must warn anyone who probably isn't reading this. This journal is more to advance in level when forums are dead. With that said...I'm currently listenning to Open Arms by Journey and waiting for my Launchcast station to open. Just waiting for some damn people to message me about charter positions in my union, and it's killing me. I hate dial-up. I'm running on 45.2 kbps, and everything loads at the speed of smell.
Well, my Launcast finally loaded, and it's giving me crap like always.
I hate the name of that product Cholest-off. Wouldn't it have been better calling it Cholesteroff? It rolls off the tongue more than Ko-lest-off...ko-lest-eroff. It sounds a lot better, I find.
Anyway, that's all for now.