Stocked Up on Halo 3s
by CrzyOz300 on Comments
I went to EB games to see if they had any copies before i went and got my dad to get it but then when i got in i saw they had more copies then i thought, a lot more. So many that you swear the store only sold Halo games. And i asked the guy why they had so many copies is did like no one come and he said that they where packed but they had more than enough copies of the game.I was in shock and then i went with a few friends and chilled at the mall and we had to go through some store to get out, i think it was like Circuit city or Best buy idk. So as we walked by i saw they had quite a few copies them selves and i was shocked cause usually a game like this is sold out. I was impressed how Bungie was able to keep a lot of stores in stock which i good so this way the ppl who don't want to stay up till midnight to get the game can still get there hand on it.