Today was a big day in my life so let me explain....
Well guyz graduation was today and I have alot of mixed feelings about it. Apart of me is happy:) but the another part is sad:( ....because Im finally realizing that Im never going to see these great people ever again, because we're all going our separate wayz.
I've cried with them, Ive laughed with them, I've been mad with them....but I loved each and every one of those people, hell even the ones I dont know or like, I truely love them:) Im was so nervouse walking across that stage but I did it:D And Im so proud of myself and my accomplishments in that school and I'll never forget anyone of those teachers, I may have b*tched and complain but they worked there @$$es off for the C L A S S OF2007!!!:D and they love us and I have nothing but respect for them.
Im sad right now:cry:, cuz Im going to missevery one and those teachers. Ive closed one chapter of my life and now its time for me to open another....Im nervous as hell but Im ready:)
C L A S S OF 2007 ROCKS!!!