My title was inspired by Avril Lavignes song "Anything But Ordinary" its doesnt have a damn thing to do with this blog though:|:lol::roll:
Now thanks to nightmare-_- I have to do this:evil::P jk
So heres 10 random things about me:
1. I hate making the first move:x
(Now I know some girls who dont mind, but i cant stand it:x Even if Im drawn to you...I wouldnt do it because its just not me:|)
2. I hate chasing after anyone:x
(I hate being on a damn chain...I dont have time for games:roll: but if you have the ability to make me chase, then kudos to you and your very sexy to me if you can do that;))
3. Ive never gotten into a physical fight before
(I hate fighting:x Not all black people resort to fighting. Im more of an argumentative type of girl8) I can do that for days)
4. I stopped playing with toys at the age of 13:|
(I was attached to them, I couldnt help it:|)
5. What makes me happy the most is being by myself
(Now Im very much a people person, but I enjoy being by myself:oops: )
6. I hate making out:x
(now if you can kiss thats a different story...but I cant stand making out with people who cant kiss)
7. I get sick everytime I see my grandmother
(I love her dearly but everytime I see her I damn near throw up because of her schizophrenia. Its a whole new person:( Im just so shocked to hear her cuss and talk about nasty stuff. She never would do that before...makes me sick to my stomach everytime. Let me stop talking about it before I throw up and start crying)
8. Im a very romantic person♥
(Just as it sounds...I love spoiling who ever Im with:oops: I'll do almost anything just to see that person smile)
Im mostly a sucker for brunettes. although I love them all...brunettes are more bad *** and I LOVE it!!
(damn what can I say...brunettes are always the hardcore ones to me. I love it when they take control:twisted:;))
10. Haha now heres the most wildest one ever:
I only had one guy to ever go down on me:o (sorry I had to be honest though:|)
(I only had *** with two men and one of those men was an ***:roll: but the other one was sweet and he's the best guy friend a girl could ask for...but yeah we got drunk and well....I'll just let your imagination run wild about the details;):P)
Now hopefully that was interesting8);) I apologize for the last one:oops: but I had to leave with a bang:P
Now I tag:
If you get tagged then post 10 random things about you in a blog;)