I was thinking last night for some reason about Final Fantasy games. Then I remembered the first time I played Final Fantasy II (4 in proper order). The first one came at christmas back when it was released, and I played that religiously from the time it was released till the Super nintendo arrived in my house. I even recalled the time I was up at 3am (2 hours before my paper route) so that I could complete the Ice Cave, and get the airship. Man that was a great day, I was so excited about finishing it for the first time, and none in my party died, I had a huge burst of adrenaline that lasted all day long.
So one day I was sitting in my gym class (Junior high) and a friend of mine starts talking about FFII of for the SNES. I make the slight hint of wanting to check it out, and he invites me over. After school I go to his house, and he hands me the controller, and says go for it. Man I lit up like a school girl with a crush. I had that controller in hand for the next 6 hours. After that it was about a month of not spending a single dime, from my paper route, and saving for that SNES. (Lots of tips back in those days) It was another 2 weeks before I got the game (Satisfied with Super Mario World for with the system for the time being, and a copy was not to be found in the game store I frequented back then) Once plugged in, I think I missed 2 days of school, from being over tired, and "Sick" finished it after about a week playing, and promplty started a new game. Went through this time slower, and looked for all of the equipment I could find.
As time went on FFIII came out, and I didn't get it right away either, (once again hard to find back then) one of my friends had a full week of school off, and was almost expelled for missing time, (Played the game straight) but finished it, and passed it along. That was a another phenomanol game. As time went on I heard about FFVII being developed for the Playstation. No clue when North America would get a copy, but I went out and bought a PS right away. This was a great system, but at the time I was still playing my SNES mostly.
So finally FFVII hits, and I have a copy in my hands the day it does. I think I was "Sick" that day. Man who can forget the first time Cloud appeared, on that train. This game received the second most attention of any Final Fantasy game (the SNES FFIII received the most) The first time I made it to the Chocobo races, I hated it, but when I could return I wanted all the coloured chocobos I could create, and find. That Gold chocobo was a pain to get, but soon as I did, the Island you needed him for *SPOILER* was promplty entered, and Knights of the Round was mine. Funny how I finished the game without them the first time. I went into the depths for Sephiroth without this summons, and had a nice challenge. Then reloaded after finishing, and began doing the races, and what ever I was missing. The second time I leveled Mimic, to the top, and Knights to a second level (Did not have the patience for the 3rd) Went to Sephiroth again, and summoned with mimic. Just wanted to see the Overkill I could cause. I never watched it, but started it, and went made a sandwich, and then came back down to the 3rd summon happening, which I then did it all again. That was the best!
Lets see, I since have always picked up any FF games released, on the day they come out. Bad or good, and have pretty much enjoyed them all the way through with the exception of FFVIII. It felt like such a chore, and never actually enjoyed it at all. The only FF I have never played was FFXI, just never was interested in getting into a game that was out in Japan for about a year before localization, and trying to compete with all the high level groups. Maybe FFIV will get a chance this time out, if they release at the same time as Japan.
So now I think it's time to pay Kafka back once again. He deserves it the most I think, and I just want to see the Chainsaw animation from Edgar. That was the best the first time I saw it. :D