CttN's forum posts
Am I the only one who found something really perverted in the topic title?akamaru64
Well, it was one of the reasons why I clicked.
You know you can create a shortcut to the shutdown option in Windows right?
So me and a friend did that, called it "het kleinste muziekbestand ooit" (Dutch for: the smallest music-file ever). Changed the icon to a Media Player music file icon and zipped it.
Then we sent it to someone on MSN, he unzipped it and clicked. So his PC shutdown.
After a few minutes he came back. We asked him: 'What did you do?', he said 'My PC shut off, happens from time to time.'
We asked him to open the file again and he did! So he went offline again. :P
Then when he came back, we told him to open the file by right click and then click OPEN. The dumb-ass did it again! :lol:
We laughed our asses of so hard after that, man some people can be stupid:P
Oh my God. I am so tempted right now. Last night, a guy I was talking to managed to delete his recying bin icon. I would love to know what he downloaded to make him do that.
Alright. So I'm feeling a bit peckish for a sandwich. But not just any kind of sandwich! I need a sandwich with zing, and pizzaz. So, dear forum goers, suggest to me what I should put in this sandwich. I'll choose the best fillings, and get back to you in a few days, with photographs of me eating said epic sandwich.
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