It's late, I should be getting to bed, considering how tired I am, but instead, I've decided to make a blog.
SO what's happened since my last one. High school ended. Yep. I ended up graduating tied for second in my class, which was a shock to me, seeing as the last time I checked I was fourth. And of course, that meant that I had to give a speech at graduation. Actually, I had to give two speeches around that time, one in front of the school for a yearbook dedication for my friend who battled cancer throughout high school, and the Salutatory address (of which there were two, and also the Valedictorian speech) in front of all the parents and everyone at graduation. I was very nervous both times, but once I started speaking I think I did a good job. My speech was short and to the point, whereas the other speeches were long and drawn out, and I think my classmates and the audience appreciated that.
Something else unexpected happened as a result of my moving into the 2 spot for my class, my college gave me an extra four thousand dollars in scholarship money as a result of my being salutatorian. I still had to take out larger loans that I would have liked to for my school, but having four thousand dollars dropped into my lap was rather nice.
After school ended I started looking for a job for the summer. Unfortunately, with the market so bad compounded with the fact that I am leaving come August 23rd, I was unable to ever find one. I almost had one at Wal-mart, but unfortunately they had a hiring freeze ordered from higher up right before they could hire me. Some luck I have. So my summer has been a whole lot of nothing, kind of sitting around, hanging out with friends, all while watching my savings slowly dwindle down. I will have a job when college starts though in a work study, which will be nice. It doesn't pay too much, but anything helps.
I guess the lone highlight of this summer was when I received my AP exam scores last month. I ended up getting a 5 on Calc AB (no idea how I managed that, but I'll take it), a 5 on Environmental Science (Not trying to sound cocky, but I knew that was coming. I walked out of that test knowing I nailed it,) a 4 on Statistics, and a 4 on Lit and Comp, which was one higher than I expected. Because I scored high on these exams (they are scored from 1-5, 5 being the highest, 3 is usually the minimum to receive credit at colleges) I received credits at my college for those classes that those exams would cover, which included the 5 I scored on AP US History last year. So I'd say the AP experience was very well worth it, in terms of gaining college credit and in terms of getting used to a more rigorous course load.
College starts in three weeks for me, well a little less than that now. I have two roomates who I have started to contact, and I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure a few months from now I'll look back on that statement and think I was crazy knowing the work I'll likely be doing, but I do want to meet new people and see new places. I'm very bored of where I live, though leaving it does have a strange sadness to it, as I have lived here my entire life. But I know I'll adjust.
Well, I hope I didn't bore you guys out there, if anyone even reads this. :P