@esqueejy: I understand your reasoning and I truly believe that its the only plausible explanation, but still, its like a Facebook decease, showing sympathy some times turns out awkward with the liking button.
I'm scratching my head trying to understand who and why this article is being up voted. What is to enjoy here? Crazy internet indeed. Anyway, really sad news, hope the one responsible for this will be under bars soon.
My top five with no particular order: 1)Metroid Prime (all) 2)Eternal Darkness 3)Splinter Cell (all) 4)God of War 5)Shenmue 2 Runner Ups with no particular order either: 1)Ikaruga 2)Resident Evil 4 and the remake 3)Metal gear the twin snakes 4)Ninja gaiden Black 5)Forza Motorsport 6)Zelda the wind waker 7)Soul Calibur 2 (GC)
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