@SolidGame_basic: already know someone who picked up an X1 yesterday because of BC. He's a ps4 owner as well.
Cubs360's forum posts
So they weren't able to make any improvements over bf 4? That's lazy for you right there. This game better be rock solid 60 fps.
@DarthRamms: That's because Konami ports their games half ass on the X1.
@Gue1: I think the $70 price drop was just for black friday. Its not like ps4 didnt have its own deals. Gta 5 and the last of us for 399 wasnt bad either. Plus i doubt microsoft really took a hit, we all forget kinect isnt a part of that sku.
@tormentos: well 1st of all evolve comes out in a couple months, halo 5 at least a year. 2nd of all 343 only has to develop on 1 platform, not multiple like turtle rock. 3rd of all MCC wasnt developed by 343, it was outsourced to multiple developers, so judging 1080p 60fps from MCC is irrelevant, and lastly microsoft and 343 will have all the engineers available to push the game as far as it can.
No game brings out the hate quite like Halo...glad to see that still holds true.
@Zelda187: Microsoft has been trying. Ryse, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall and Project Spark are all new IP.
@ps4hasnogames: its the best. Ive played all the big console shooters over the last 10 years and it is.
@ghostwarrior786: dude stfu...you havent seen or played halo 5. Stop spreading bad news about the game when there is none...this guy had nothing bad to say. You're a drama queen troll.
@xboxgaminghd: dude, you can't even play driveclub online, and you're going to tell me its a better game than Forza. You can't tune your cars, you can't create liveries, no replay mode or photo mode, and there is only 50 cars. Get out of here with that non-sense. Why don't you try playing Forza.
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