Cureless_Poison's forum posts
Where do i get a PSP Slim besides Amazon, no other site has it availbe for pre-order. Best-Buy,Future Shop,EB Games,Game-Stop, non of them have the PSP Slim availible for pre-order or even on the coming soon list or the up and coming pages NOTHING.
Where might i ask am i to purchase one as the release date is under a week away why on earth have they not posted anything, even in-store theres no signs or displays for them, no adds zip all. When the NDS Lite released it was everywhere weeks ahead of time, why isin't the PSP Slim the same?
The PSP can manage games like this and Nintendo fanboys say the DS owns the PSP, BULL S**T!
Until i see the DS process graphics that excced that of a N64 the PSP is the reighning champion of the handheld industry.
Coming this september i was gonna join the "Band-wagon" for PSP in purchasing my first PSP and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as for what i should get.
I was going to buy the PSP Slim Daxter Pack, Kill-Zone:Liberation, Dynesty Warriors, and Metal Gear Solid: Portable Opps. Anything else or good games that i should get?
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