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#152-The First Blog That Has Got a Good Name by Me in Months+More Designs

And yes, I had to think about what to name my first blog of November:P

Thanksgiving is a few weeks away, what am I gonna be doing on that day? Well...

Kensei and Gin 3

Take a guess:P

Modern Warfare 3 comes out this freakin' Tuesday!!! Can't wait to get it!!...Is it Tuesday yet?:P And Assassins Creed: Revelations comes out in 9 days, might get it during Christmas, IF I can wait that long.Moving on...hmm...

Noctis wallpaper


Noctis thinkin' the same thing I am: When ishis game coming out?!?! Final Fantasy Versus XIII was first announced on E3 2006, its almost 2012 and it STILL doesn't have a release date, c'mon Square Enix, whats the holdup??? And when is Kingdom Hearts 3 comin' out while I'm on the topic of games Square Enix has yet to release.

Moving on to real life, after months of job hunting, I finally got a job!!:D The company is Transcontinental Express Shippers, which ships barrels and other things to Jamaica and other Caribbean islands. The pay there is pretty good, nut the phone I use for customer service is so bad soundwise, itdoes more damage to my hearing than my iPod could ever hopeto do, and when I say that, I say it terms that I have to strain myself to hear people talking, and thats created some problems getting their name right, but like I said, the pay is good, so I'll live, if the pay wasn't good, then I'd have to makethese people talk to my agent, who's my agent? Well...

Sephiroth pics 3

...And believe me,when it comes to negotiations...he don't play.

Moving on to the next part of this blog, I've done more designing!(Images down below)

More of Curtis1560's designs

This one, I'm proud of the color choice, but thats about, Ven looks to fat in this pic

More of Curtis1560's designs 2

Thats the insignia of Squad 0 from Bleach, this one I did for fun, just added a few visual effects but came out better than I thought.

More of Curtis1560's designs 5

This was one I used with Organizations 13's Kingdom Hearts, all I did was add some cloud and weather effects, probably shoulda did the Dark City but...I'll do that some other time.

TerraVenAqua sig

Out of all designs I've done so far, this one is my favorite image and the best one I've done so far in my opinion, incase you're wondering about the background, I decided to for a deep space setting, the supernova to the right represents the reason why Aqua's side of the sig is bright. You can also take it symbolism: Aqua represents light while Terra gave in to darkness:P

Noctis banner

And last but not least, a Noctis banner. My aim for this one was to show different sides of Noctis, the version of him to the left being used to represent that even heroes have a dark side, out of all banners I did, this one happens to be my favorite.

Thanks reading, see ya round the boards!!