After endless months of waiting, I.Got.MW3!!!!!
*Dances with a pretty girl then gets back to the blog*
Huh....forgot to ask that girl for her number.
Anyway, where was I...oh right....
The game was really the wait, the cinematic moments, harsh gunfights...tragic moments(especially Soap's...WHY!!!!) were really well done. The gameplay hasn't really changed, but the previous MW game was so good, don't think it needs a major upgrade. BF3 hands down beats MW3 but imo...who cares?! Graphics doesn't make a game...the GAMEPLAY does so even though I don't have BF3 to properly compare the games, MW3 is an awesome game, BF3 might be good too but like I just said...I don't own it:P
In designing news, I was thinking of making a new banner and icon Bleach themed but thanks to a mental block, thats not possible right (Stupid mental block), but when my mind is unblocked, I'll upload them to share.
Thats all I gotta say. See ya round the boards!!