Finally the day has arrived, The Gotei 13 union is celebrating its one year anniversary since it was founded, I'm glad I made it too, now I can party the day away:P Just kidding:P
I imagine the union is goin to be in a riot today, I'll be shocked if it isn't:P Now I did a short Friend's spotlight in my last blog, but didn't have time to finish it, so heres the finished version with previous Captains copied and pasted from my lasy blog
sfkm2- the person who invited me to the union all those long months ago and a very good friend. He plays Byakuya Kuchiki and Kisuke Urahara in the union and he can be very "Violent" when angered, just ask anyone who got him angry But mostly he plays it cool and keeps his composure
missanimefan-the only person I call Rangiku at the Gotei 13, I first met her there and she since has become a one of my friends. When she's not playing Rangiku, she plots plans to take over the union(Which often fails ) But other than that she's fun to talk to and a nice person to hang out with
Dracon_08-the only brat Captain of the union Hitsugaya Toshiro, him and Urahara will often exchange "Words" when they meet and it always ends with Urahara on the winning sideHe'll sometimes get into an arguement with me, but I end up winning as well
If you look past the kid exterior, he's actually cool guy to talk to, just don't make a short joke about him, he's very sensitive
Eucalypta-the one and only Yoruichi and Hiyori. She plays Hiyori like a hyper angry girl, in other words she plays Hiyori well When it comes to Yoruichi, her and Byakuya will sometimes get into a game of tag, which will always end with him not catching her
She's a very funny person and a cool friend
Nightmare-_--the oldest being in the union, Yamamoto himself I couldn't do this blog without including the leader of the union, it just wouldn't be right. Yamamoto is living proof you can be fit no matter how old you are
He's a cool guy to talk to and has a cool attitude, the type of person who won't start trouble
SasukeXXChidori-another old man of the union Ukitake Jushiro, he mostly spends his days drinking his own concoction called Take, made from tea and sake, its not bad once you get used to it, but all jokes aside, he's a person who's easy to get along with
Nicaboy456-maybe the most mysterious Captain of the whole union, believe me when I say he plays Gin so well you'd swear you were talking to the actual character:lol:
Jing16- the most random Captain of the union title belongs to Zaraki:lol: Whenever we're talking about something, he'll just pop up out of nowhere and say or show something completely random, you can say he was blessed with the gift of randomness:P
jeyviolin- the mother of the Gotei 13 who plays Unohana perfectly. You really won't find a much kinder soul than Unohana, always ready to treat your injuries and help you with any problem you may have.
eliteguard91- the one and only Soi Fon and Nel, she can get pretty scary when she's angry which is why most people don't mess with her, except for Urahara:lol: Really you should see those two when they get at each other, it really is a funny sight:lol: But if you get to know her, she really is a kind person
Darkfox55- the one they call Mayuri, he doesn't cause any problems and mainly sticks around the zanpakto threads of the union, when he isn't conducting crazy experiments:P
Darkguard15- the blind Captain himself, Tousen:lol: He can be a joker at times and pretty much point out things others may not notice, he is also a big fan of the anime of Medusa
Itachieyes12- the drunk prone Shunsui himself:lol: He spends his days drinking sake and well...not much else:P When he isn't drinking he's busy joking with friends, he's a cool friend and always provides a good laugh
And lastly me, I play Komamura, Kensei and Ichigo but thats all I'll say:P
Thanks for reading. See ya.