I know I said my next blog would be next year, but I kinda forgot Christmas was comin up:P Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and to all a good night:P
My first semester of college has come to a close. Thankfully I passed all my classes, here are the grades.
Haitian History(Why I took this class I'll never know)- B-
Elementary Spanish 1(Tired of takin this course!)- A-
English 12(Easiest honors course EVER!!)- A-
Health- C
European History- C
Total GPA- 3.0
Credits earned- 14/17(Not yet taken winter session course)My winter session course starts Jan. 3. Onecourse, hour and a half long, 4 days a week. The course being Mass Media, a basic film course to refresh my knowledge of film/video before the Spring Semester.8)
I keep hearing that people are gettin alot of snow. Luckily here in New York, we've only gotten minor flurries, hope it stays that way. Last year we got 2 blizzards which was just a nightmare.
Well in my spare time, I started something I haven't done since summer break...a story. Mainly did it out of boredom and had the idea for it in my head for like 4 years now so its been long overdue to be put on paper:lol: Those who remember me talkin about it, knows the gist of the story. For those who don't and want to know either PM or MSN me for basic plot, I'm kinda weird about not showing people unfinished work:P
As fo Christmas, I won't be doing anything special, just drinking lots of sorrel and eatin lotsa cake. Can't wait for tomorrow:lol:
Happy Holidays everyone
Grandpa Curtis
GAHH!! Now I'm sayin it, blast it FUR!!!