The blog title pretty much explains it all, but first. My midterms lasted for a week with a majority of them having at least two parts, my Chemistry midterm had 3, Math, Spanish, English had 2 parts and my Film(A class dealing with movie, tv and radio production), and AP US History midterms only one part thankfully. I think I did pretty well with my midterms except for the accursed MATH, I hate that subject!!!!!Moving on, at least its over now:D
Thanksgiving vaction started today and I can't explain enough how happy I am:DNot only because of the fact I'm not goin to school but the food being made today is INCREDIBLE!!!!Yeah I may just turn fat because of it:P:lol: But oh well, I keep in good shape so no worries:P
Finally, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, see ya around the boards!:D