Hey guys, thanks to your blog ideas, I decided to do 2 countdowns at once, first up
Top 5 Fave Unions, I was gonna do a top 10 but I'm in 9 unions:|
5.Naruto Ninja Academy Union- This is the only Naruto Union I'm in, and I have to say, its very informative:P If anyone likes Naruto, check it out.Now!!:P
4.Castle Oblivion-Even though I haven't been here for awhile:|(Sorry Col), any union devoted to Kingdom Hearts automatically makes my top 5:P
3.The Talk About it Union-This union is a little different from my other unions, its actually a counseling union run by Jeyviolin. Any problem you have, Jey, her officers and recruits will do their best to help you out. The thing I like most about that union is it's UNION BANNER!!!IT OWNS!!!!:P
2.A/A and RPG Union- For those who don't know, it stands for Action Adventure and RPG Union, its run by my good friend Rasengan_X or Ras for short, you can say he keeps the union in line, meaning no one gets modded there:P The union deals mainly with action and RPG games, with a little bit of OT, if you count the OT Thread:P So if you like these genres of games, come on down and don't be shy, we won't bite:lol:
1.The Gotei 13 Union-This is the most active union I'm in and everytime I go there, theres always 1000+ posts there:| The union talks about Bleach and has the recruits, officers and leader pose as characters from the show. Its a really fun union, with abnormally active members, so come join us if you like Bleach.
Now heres my top 5 favorite Nickelback, this won't be easy to make:P
5.Do This Anymore- The good old wonders of girl trouble, this is what the song talks about, with a great guitar solo to boot.
4.Savin Me-If all you had to do was say something to save someone, we'd probably have more people alive right now:P This song also talks about something else, but I won't say. Figure it out:P
3.Figured You Out-No women can fool the boys the boys from Nickelback and thats exactly what they're talkin about for this song
2.How You Remind Me-Who knew it took one woman to remind Chad Kroeger who he really was? Anyone?No?Okay.
1.Tie among Contestant/Believe it or not/Another Hole in the Head/Fight for all the Reasons- I can't decide which song to place at no. 1, oh well:P
Thanks for reading and for the ideas.See ya.