My sigh says it all, school has reopened and I really wish it didn't. But the funny thing is this week flew by:lol:Its like I blinked and its almost Friday already.
Regents week will start later this month but the good thing, one of mine was postponed until June, hopefully I'll have what it takes to pass it.*Sigh*Man if so much stuff didn't happen im my life, I'd actually be in college instead of a junior in High School, you have no idea whats it like being the oldest junior in my school.
On another note, football tryouts will take place in a few weeks and my friends won't stop pestering me to tryout for it, so I will, wonder if I'll make it.
I just finished playing Rogue Galaxy and I have to say while the game may be good, the final boss is a BIG pain to handle. You have to you have to use ALL allies to pick it apart but the mot trouble I had was using Jaster and a very very BIG sword, when I say big, by time you press the X button 3 times, he's just preparing to swing it at the enemy, and that will gave any opponent more than enough time to hit you and the final boss is powerful, 2-3 hits will kill you dead in no time flat, trust me, the worst part is that if you die at anytime with any ally you have to start all over again, which is a pain because it will take over an hour to beat the final boss. But overall the game is pretty fun and beautiful to look at
Thats all for now. See ya