Two dope boyz in a cadillac! Yes, this is my high school album. The Source robbed them from 5 mics on this album ( don't worry they got back on the next album: Aquemini). From the Intro to the remix this album is 100% c1assic. While people were playing Master P click, Wu-tang, Biggie, Nas, and Pac I was bumping this to school. Actually, if they heard this album chances are it was coming from my car. "Is that Atliens? Yeah, Tee must drove up..." I'm an Outkast when it comes to anything. My philosophy comes from Andre verse:
If I gotta, my alta mater be that I follow/ I bite whatever that's looking tasty, water it down then swallow/
I hope you vomit, won't call no names cause that's not my job/ It just applies to whom it may concern you know who you are.
Anyways, this is a must-buy album if you never heard it before. Even if you don't like "rap" this album is still good. It's Outkast the guys who brought you "Hey, Ya" and "B.O.B" These guys are artisit. Not your everyday studio rapper with a budget. I also suggest picking up their first album "Southerplayalisticadillacmuzik." If you liked The Chronic, you'll like this album, also.
Andre3000 is the best rapper alive. Big Boi is in the top 10.