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Of Mice and Microsoft

A lot has changed since E3. Two more trade shows have gone by (if you count X05 as a trade show), showing even more of the 360. After getting my own chance to mess around with the 360: I like it. It takes all the things that made me cringe about the XBox and makes it much better, and there are actually 4 launch games that I want. If that isn't a shock, I don't know what is. Yet, a few things haven't changed. We have discovered that MS was only partially honest at E3. The system doesn't have wireless and the HDD 'standard' (unless you live in Japan). The strong launch library is starting to look like the PSP launch library. The price announcement at E3 turned out to be misleading. The global launch is turning out to be an 'oops'-style decision. I still have a 360 on preorder despite this. Why? Well, it shows promise, and the planned games do interest me. For me, the point where I say it is time to buy is when the total cost of the games you want is greater than it would cost to get the console (as long as you can afford any of the pricing, mind you). The 360 has reached that point for me. Now, the Revolution. Nintendo has some promise with taking a departure from normal controllers, both from an economic and a end-user standpoint. They differentiate themselves from the rest of the consoles by allowing more choice in how a game is played, meaning that no matter who wins the overall market, Nintendo will still have a niche market that MS/Sony cannot cater to. They guarantee their survival by doing so as long as there are some compelling games. I still plan on watching the PS3 and the Revolution further, to see what the actual results are. I didn't mention anything about the PS3 because there really isn't much to say yet, other than the obvious MGS4 trailer and a small statement that Sony is working on a different controller design (to be unveiled in January). On a side-note, it is kinda funny to watch people in system wars argue over hype and rumor while calling it fact (with a little fact mixed in for good measure to stir the FUD pot).