ok i had a really weird dream last night and this is what happened
in my dream i woke up and got dressed as always, then i went down stairs and my cousin Amanda was in the kitchen eating pancakes. i asked why she was here and she said we were going to the Jack Spicer concert. i cant remember what my exact reaction was but i think it was something like " it's TODAY!?! how could i forget! c'mon lets go!". somehow, i was able to drive there (i'm only 12. but i wish i could drive T_T) and we got front row tickets. the rest was a blur of music and stuff like that. until i got a backstage pass from someone. a bunch of girls tried and tackled me for it but i fought them off with the star hanabi (???). i cant remember what happened until i went back stage and met Jack Spicer. i think i said something like " hi i'm Gemini and i'm your biggest fan! i love you so much!" i then passed out and next thing i heard was my mom saying "i want you to get up in 5 minutes".(why don't they just get you up when they want you to get up?) and wrecked my dream. i really have to lay off the orange soda before bed. i'm going to go now bye!
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